Dienstag, 6. September 2011

W.o.W One liner

The Write On Wednesday Rules: Get creative with the writing exercises - there isn't a right or wrong. Please do try to visit the other members of Write On Wednesdays and leave a comment. You can grab the button for Write On Wednesdays from my sidebar.

Write On Wednesdays Exercise 13 - A Great One Liner...This week you need to come up with one good line to describe a part of your day. It can be 'real life' or fiction. But it must tell us 'who did what'. It has to be an amazing line, like a tiny little paper plane that must travel a big distance (figuratively speaking) with only a few folds ... Every word in that line must earn its place, or be cut as excess baggage. Let's get thinking about each sentence as though every word counts, like working one group of muscles to show how much weight they can carry.

*If you would like to focus on making every word count, check out Flash Fiction Friday - another weekly writing prompt and Community Writing Project. Thanks Adam for the suggestion.

Write your sentence, link it up to the linky below and visit other's Write on Wednesday participants. Let us know if you would like to receive constuctive criticism on your piece. The linky will be open from Monday to late Friday. It doesn't matter if you can't Write on Wednesday...Any day is fine...

Diesmal ist mir die Aufgabe wirklich schwerr gefallen. Wenn ich schreibe, ob gut oder schlecht ist dabei gar nicht von Interesse, dann fällt es mir definitiv leichter, wenn ich einfach vor mich hin schreiben kann.So hier ist das was dabei rausgekommen ist;

Hier geht es zu den anderen Beiträgen

3 Kommentare:

  1. Well, I had to work a little for this one and I'm not sure I fully got it right.

    I think it's about how important writing is to you whether it's good or bad and whether it's for yourself or for sharing.

    If I have got it right then I agree. Getting the words out is sometimes the most important part, once you have the idea you can edit to your hearts content.

  2. This is quite interesting - at first it seemed sad but then it feels hopeful, simple even.

    Thanks for joining in again, this was a tough week, wasn't it?!
